How to Design Custom Plastic Bottle Box For a Gift Box?

Plastic Bottle Box – In a very competitive world needs to make products beautiful and impressive. That’s why we are going to explain to you how you can design or you can generate custom boxes design ideas. There are many design and box printing stages that you need to learn, then you can be a professional box designer.

1. Research

Before launching any of your product you need to know about all the stages including production and selling. But we are discussing plastic bottle boxdesigning. I am giving you some option called research, that is 3 major steps after raw material. 1st of all you need to analyze what bottle size products your competitor are running in the market. 2nd what is the costing and retail value of your upcoming product or your competitor running? 3rd Finalized bottle size and estimated production cost.

2. Let’s move on plastic bottle box design.

After selecting the bottle box size, you will require a bottle box template. What is the bottle box template? The bottle box template is a die-line that can guide you where you can put your product design material, means bottle front panel, back panel, and side panels. if you don’t have a bottle box template you can easily download with one click for standard bottle box sizes like 10ml bottle box30ml bottle box60ml bottle box90ml bottle box or any other bigger custom bottle box size.
e-liquid box template

3. Best Custom Bottle Box Suppliers:-

At 3rd you need to find a custom bottle box suppliers that can help you to print custom plastic bottle boxes. If you don’t know any of custom box company, then you don’t need to worry about it, here is some trusted custom box design printer as per our experience.
  1. Brilliant Packaging Suppliers for the USA
  2. Custom Packaging Co. for the UK
  3. Custom Printed Boxes Co. for the USA
  4. Custom Packaging Co. for the USA
  5. Custom Boxes World for the UK
  6. 123 Brand Print for the World Wide Printing Solutions.

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